Match time munchies #1 – Mediterranean flavoured chips

We don’t know about you, people, but here at Linguini we are extremely excited about the upcoming UEFA EURO 2020 2021!

Saying that Italians love a game of football is an understatement: we live every match of the season with the same passion and drama we put in pretty much any aspect of our lives. But while football clubs can be divisive, the Azzurri bring the whole country together… sort of.

That’s why here at Linguini we decided that for the next few weeks we will share a recipe that celebrates the upcoming match, and we will start with Italy v Turkey!

So here you have a super duper easy cracker recipe that brings to your (coffee) table the flavours of Italy and the Mediterranean. You can enjoy them on their own, as part of a fruit and cheese platter or with your favourite Turkish-style dipping sauces like hoummus and babaganoush. And don’t forget to share your results with us!


Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 20 mins
Total Time 30 mins


  • 150 grams Flour (half plain, half wholemeal)
  • 75 grams Oats (old fashioned)
  • 30 grams Mixed Seeds (any type works)
  • 30 grams Olive Oil
  • 90 grams Water
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 1 tsp Rosemary and/or any herbs and spices you like
  • 1 tbsp Parmisan
  • 3-4 Walnuts (chopped)
  • 4-5 Olives (chopped)
  • 3-4 Dried tomatoes (chopped)


  • Combine all the dry ingredients (flour, oats, seeds, salt and herbs) in a bowl and mix with a spoon.
  • Pour the olive oil and the water into the bowl and knead all together until a dough is formed
  • Divide the dough in three pieces of the same size. Add the parmisan and the walnuts to the first piece of dough, the dried tomatoes to the second one, and the olives to the third one. Knead again all the three doughs until the ingredients are well incorporated.
  • Roll the dough with a rolling pin to a thin sheet, no thicker than about 2mm.
  • You can now create your crackers by cutting the dough with a knife or a pastry cutter (you can make them as big or small as you like)
  • Put your crackers on a baking tray covered with some parchment paper, and cook them in the oven at 180° for approximately 15-20 minutes (the cooking time depends on the size)
  • Your crackers are ready! You can store them in a airtight container for several weeks.


This recipe is very versatile. You can use whatever flour, seed, herb, spice, ingredient you like.
If you use a different combination of flours you might just need to adjust the amount of liquid accordingly. If the dough is too dry add a bit more water or oil; if it is too sticky just add another handful of flour.

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